The Mis-Education of the Negro

Book Cover of The Mis-Education of the Negro by Carter G. Woodson

The MisEducation of the Negro by Carter G Woodson belongs among the list of “must-reads” for every African American household. First published in 1933, the information in this book (sadly) is just as relevant today as it was then. At its heart this book is about the deplorable state of the educational system as it […]

First Americans Were Africans

Everyone has heard the story of how Africans were brutally transported against their will’s from the shores of Africa, and brought to America and enslaved. For as long as I can remember the only story told of how Africans got to America was a terribly sad tale of enslavement. But what if I told you […]

Of Water & Spirit

Of Water and the Spirit book cover

Sooner or later, every serious student of African History discovers that Africans have avery unique form of spiritualism and relating to their god(s), their environment and their own spiritual natures, which is different from any of the modern day forms of religionwhich have propagated themselves around the world due to colonialism and themissionary endeavors of […]

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